Enjoy a themed week full of Summer activities with your toddler or preschooler!

Each day we have a book to read (or a read aloud to watch if you don't have a copy, a song or dance to enjoy and 2-3 themed activities.
We would love you to join us in our Weekly Themed Facebook Group to share your car & truck themed activities and also to share your pics over on Instagram (follow @myboredtoddler and use #myboredtoddler so we can share our favorites!).
Missed last weeks Cars & Trucks theme? Catch up HERE. Is it Winter where you are? You want our Winter Weekly Plan instead!
Summer Day 1
Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar's First Summer
Available on Amazon HERE or watch a read aloud here

Boom Chicka Boom - Summer Dance
Get moving to this fun Summer Dance Song f
Combine a nature walk with a fun and easy craft idea. Use the flowers and leaves you collect to create this fun nature collage. Get the instructions HERE.

Sensory Play - Orange Water Sensory Bin
Take your simple water play to the next level by adding some oranges (you could use any citrus fruit). Such an easy activity to set up and so much fun on a hot day! See the full instructions HERE.

My favorite sensory tools are THIS SET which I use all the time.
Fine Motor - Summer Playdough
Get our FREE Summer Playdough Mats for some playdough fun!
I always recommend THIS playdough set as it is great value and lasts such a long time.

Summer Day 2
Book: Mouse's First Summer

Available on Amazon HERE or watch a Read Aloud on Youtube HERE.
Song/Dance: Summer Dance & FREEZE
A fun way to get moving - dance & freeze to this summer themed dance song.
Craft: Finger Painted Butterflies
Finger painting is a great way to introduce painting to toddlers and this butterfly painting is a fun summer craft. See the instructions HERE.

Sensory Play - Ice Cream Sensory Bin
Get creative with a fun Ice Cream themed sensory tray - you can find the full instructions HERE.

Get Moving - Summer Yoga
Enjoy some fun kid friendly yoga with a Summer theme.
Summer Day 3
Book: Summer in the Forest

Available on Amazon HERE or watch a read aloud on Youtube HERE
Song/Dance: Sunscreen
Ripping paper and glueing it are important fine motor skills for toddlers. This paper sun craft is an easy and fun way to encourage that. For younger toddlers you can cut up the paper for them. See the full instructions here.

Sensory Activity: At the Beach Sensory Bin
Sometimes access to the beach in summer is limited, especially with a toddler in tow. You can still enjoy the sand and seashells and digging tools with this simple sensory bin activity. See the full instructions HERE.

Outdoor Activity: Listening Walk
Summer is such a fun time to take a walk around your local area. As you walk listen for all the sounds... what can you hear?
Summer Day 4
Book: Duck & Goose Go To The Beach

Available on Amazon HERE or watch a Read Aloud on Youtube HERE.
Song/Dance: Have Fun This Summer
Have fun with this paper plate turtle craft. See the instructions HERE.

Game - Summer Scavenger Hunt
Use our FREE Summer Scavenger Hunt to create fun toddler game. Hide the pictures around your house or yard and have your toddler find them.

Sensory Activity: Scooping Blocks Water Play
Summer is the best time for water play and this scooping blocks water play set up is SO EASY! A bucket of water, some blocks and a scooper (I used a small kitchen strainer). So easy!

Summer - Day 5
Book: I see Summer

Available on Amazon HERE or as a Read Aloud on Youtube HERE.
Song/Dance - Summer Songs
Use cupcake liners to create fun summer flower craft. See the full instructions HERE.

Summer Themed Tracing and Coloring
Get our Summer tracing sheets (focusing on numbers to ten) and use for coloring and tracing.

Sensory Activity: Sifters in the Sand Box
Add some sand (you can buy play sand) to a container for a fun indoor or outdoor sensory sand play activity. Add sifters, cups, bowls - whatever you have around!


Follow us for more toddler activity ideas
Don't miss next week's toddler weekly activity guide! Make sure you're in our Facebook Group or following on Instagram.