Enjoy a themed week full of Winter activities with your toddler or preschooler!

Each day we have a book to read (or a read aloud to watch if you don't have a copy, a song or dance to enjoy and 2-3 themed activities.
We would love you to join us in our Weekly Themed Facebook Group to share your car & truck themed activities and also to share your pics over on Instagram (follow @myboredtoddler and use #myboredtoddler so we can share our favorites!).
Missed last weeks Cars & Trucks theme? Catch up HERE.
Winter Day 1
Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar's First Winter
Available on Amazon HERE or watch a read aloud here

Winter Dance Freeze
Dance to this upbeat winter tune, freezing in funny poses when the music stops—just like a snowman!
Craft: Winter Wreath Craft
Use a paper plate (cut out the middle) and add any white stickers and items you may have. Thanks to Amanda for sharing this activity with us. You can see that she has used white sticky bows, sticky beads, white pom poms and white snowflake foam stickers.'
Blue would look great too!

Fine Motor Activity - Winter Snowman Playdough Mats
Print out our FREE Winter Snowman Playdough mats and let your toddler have fun! I always recommend THIS playdough set as it is great value and lasts such a long time.

Outdoor Activity: Snowball Throw
If there's snow, head outside and practice making snowballs and gently tossing them into a target (like a bucket). If no snow is available, use soft indoor balls or make balls out of paper for a similar activity.
If you are lucky enough to have real snow you can continue your play with some of these fun real snow activities.
Winter Day 2
Book: Winter Is Here

Available on Amazon HERE or watch a Read Aloud on Youtube HERE.
“Winter Time is Here”
Sing along to this gentle winter song, adding hand movements like pretending to shiver or waving arms like branches in the cold wind.
Craft: Winter Tree Painting
Use foil to create a fun winter themed tree painting. See the instructions HERE.

Pretend Play - Hot Chocolate Stand
Pretend Play Hot Chocolate Stand – Set up a play area with cups, felt marshmallows, and a toy cash register!.
Get Moving - Penguin Yoga
Enjoy some fun kid friendly yoga with a Winter theme.
Winter Day 3
Book: Ten Sparkly Snowflakes

Available on Amazon HERE or watch a read aloud on Youtube HERE
Song/Dance: Snow What I Mean
Craft - Make your own Snowflakes
These are so much fun to make! Your toddler can do all of the fun painting and you can help with the cutting. They'll be super impressed when they see their artwork turned into a snowflake!
See the full instructions HERE.

Sensory Activity: Hot Chocolate Small World Play
Sylvia shared this fun toddler winter activity idea with us - a hot chocolate small world play.
She used cocoa pops as the base and added some marshmallows (supervision required with these) and pretzels. If you ask nicely at coffee shops they'll often give you a few empty cups to use too.

Outdoor Activity:
Leaf Collection Walk
Go for a walk to collect fallen leaves that didn’t get swept away in autumn. Compare their different shapes and talk about how the trees look in winter.
Winter Day 4
Book: Good Bye Autumn, Hello Winter

Available on Amazon HERE or watch a Read Aloud on Youtube HERE.
“Koo Koo Kangaroo Brrrrr”
Dance along to this fun, high-energy song while pretending to be chilly, wrapping yourself up in pretend scarves.
Make this fun snowman out of paper squares. With some adult prep before you start (cutting out hte shapes) your toddler can enjoy sticking on the pieces and making their snowman. See the instructions HERE.

Fine Motor Activity - Winter Dot Painting
Use our FREE Winter Toddler Dot Printables to create fun dot art using Do-a-Dot Pens or Dot Stickers.

Sensory Activity:
Winter Sensory Bin
Create a sensory bin filled with cotton balls (representing snow), small toy animals, and plastic snowflakes. Add scoops and small containers for extra fun and get creative!

Winter - Day 5
Book: A Loud Winter's Nap

Available on Amazon HERE or as a Read Aloud on Youtube HERE.
Song/Dance - Snowflake Song
Winter Activity - Feed the Snowman
This activity requires some adult prep before hand but is such a fun activity for toddlers. You'll find they'll love feeding the cotton balls or pom poms to the snowman. Full instructions HERE.

Winter Themed Tracing and Coloring
Get our winter tracing sheets (focusing on numbers to ten) and use for coloring and tracing.

Sensory Activity: Hot Chocolate Cloud Dough
Make some taste safe hot chocolate cloud dough to make a fun sensory bin. You only need cocoa, oil and flour. See the recipe HERE.

Need more Winter Toddler Ideas ... try some of these fun printables.

Get our HUGE Winter Bundle on SALE HERE

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