These free printable snowman playdough mats are so much fun and a great winter toddler activity idea.

Free Printable Snowman Playdough Mats
Does your toddler love playdough as much as mine? Playdough is a great fine motor activity and it's also an easy toddler activity to set up.
To use the snowman playdough mats, print them out (they come in color and black and white).
I recommend laminating them (you can get a laminator like this one quite cheap) so you can use them over and over again.
I always recommend buying a big pack of playdough as you can pull out a few at a time when you need them. This bundle from Amazon is the best value set that I've found.

Get your FREE PRINTABLE Snowman Playdough Mats
We would love to see some pics of your toddler using their snowman playdough mats. Join our Facebook Group or follow on Instagram (follow @myboredtoddler and use #myboredtoddler).
Some more Snowmwan Printables you might enjoy are:

You can find more fun Snowman Activity Ideas HERE

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