This taste safe Easter cloud dough sensory bin is a perfect Easter sensory bin for toddlers and preschoolers. It's easy to set up and uses inexpensive resources too.
Easter Cloud Dough Sensory Bin
We've been doing a lot of Easter activities for toddlers this year (you can find all of our Easter ideas HERE). We first made cloud dough when my eldest daughter was only little. There are quite a few different recipes around for cloud dough - some use baby oil or shampoo which isn't great if they put it in their mouths. The recipe I used for this one uses corn flour (regular flour would work too) and Olive oil (you can also substitute for vegetable oil too).
What you need to make an Easter cloud dough sensory bin
- Plastic container. I like ones like these
- Flour or corn flour 5 cups
- Olive oil - ⅓ cup
- Plastic Easter eggs
- Any other Easter items you want to add. We used plastic carrots and chicks as we already had them leftover from other activities. The chicks get a bit ruined in this activity so only use them if you don't need them for another activity.
How to make your Easter cloud dough sensory bin
Making an Easter cloud dough sensory bin is super easy. I'm always on the lookout for easy toddler activities and this one is perfect. Start by filling up your container with the flour. You can add your eggs as well.
Add some of your oil and mix it together. I let the kids do this with their hand to add to the sensory play experience. They'll love seeing the texture of the flour change as it combines with the oil. I add the oil a little bit at a time till you get the consistency you need.
Once the oil is all mixed in you'll get cloud dough! It's a type of dough that goes hard when you hold it tight and then soft when you let it go. Let the kids play with it however they like.
We filled up the eggs, tipped them back out. We made snowmen (despite the fact that it's Easter!).
After a while the kids decided to add some of our other Easter items so they popped in some carrotts and chicks too.
I hope you enjoy our Easter cloud dough sensory bin toddler activity. If you have a go at this one we would love you to share a photo in our Facebook group or over on Instagram - tag @myboredtoddler and use #myboredtoddler so we can all see!
Some more fun toddler Easter Activities you might enjoy are:
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