Spring is the perfect time to get out the sensory bins, and this collection of Spring sensory bins for toddlers will keep you going for a while! Our toddler sensory bins are always very popular and I know your toddler will love these ones too!
Spring Sensory Bins for Toddlers
If you're new to making sensory bins, you might find this post helpful. It's all about what you need to make a simple sensory bin. You might also enjoy taking our 10 Day Sensory Bin Challenge - perfect for beginners and people who are hesitant to jump into making their own. You can complete this challenge at your own pace and start anytime - sign up HERE (it's free).
Now if you're looking for Spring sensory bins for toddlers, then this collection will keep you busy! If you make any of these we would love for you to share your photos over on Instagram (use #MyBoredToddler) and in our Facebook Group.
You might not have everything you need to make these at home, but what I like to do is grab a heap of Spring themed items at the start of the season and then try to incorporate them into my activities as I go. Some that would be perfect for Spring sensory bins, and that feature in many of these are:
Sensory Bins for Toddlers - Spring theme!
Hatching Chick Sensory Bin - Messy Little Monster
Birds and Nest Sensory Bin - Rubber Boots and Elf Shoes
Spring Flower Soup - Crafts on Sea
Peas and Carrots Sensory Bin - Fantastic Fun and Learning
Simple Spring Sensory Bin - The Chaos and The Clutter
Pond Sensory Bin - In Our Pond
Spring Flowers Sensory Play - Natural Beach Living
Carrot Garden Sensory Bin - Joy in the Works
Garden Pretend Play - Fantastic Fun and Learning
Spring Sensory Bin - Buggy and Buddy
Lady Bird Sensory Play - Little Worlds Big Adventures
Frog Pond Sensory Bin - Teaching 2 and 3 year olds
I hope you enjoy these fun Spring sensory bins for toddlers. If you're keen for more sensory fun for toddlers then this post will have you covered with over 250 fun sensory play ideas.
Make sure you share photos of your toddler's St Patrick's Day activities in our Facebook Group or over on Instagram - Use #MyBoredToddler so we can see! You can also sign up to our weekly newsletter or follow us on Facebook or Pinterest for more great toddler activities and ideas.
Some other activities you might like are:
20 +Water Play Ideas for Babies and Toddlers
20 Easy Painting Ideas for Toddlers
Don't miss these FREE Spring Toddler Printables