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Simple Halloween Craft Ideas for Toddlers to do at Home

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If you are looking for simple Halloween craft ideas for toddlers to do at home then you are going to love this great collection of ideas! 

simple halloween toddler activity ideas

Simple Halloween Craft and Activity Ideas for Toddlers 

These simple Haloween craft and activity ideas for toddlers have all been shared by members of the My Bored Toddler Facebook Group. You can join HERE if you're not already a part of our group. 

What I love most about these are they are showing examples of real life toddler Halloween activity ideas - they're not 'Pinterest Crafts' they're real crafts, that real parents have done with their toddlers. They also look like so much fun!! 

With all toddler crafts and activities remember that it's all about the process. While kids do love seeing the end product, it's totally fine if they want to change things, use different colors etc or even if they totally change the activity. The point is that they are being creative and having fun! 

When I do crafts with the toddler age group, I often do the first one with them, following the instructions and then I find that they are normally keen to try another one. This time I let them do it however they want! Often their version of the craft turns out better than the original idea I had planned. 

If you are loving Halloween, make sure you check out our HUGE collection of Halloween craft and activity ideas for toddlers. 

Spatula Ghosts 

Kelly made these Spatula ghosts - aren't they great! All you would need for this is a plastic spatula, white paint, black card and googly eyes (the stick on ones like these are best). 

Halloween spatula ghost

Handprint Spiders

Kelly also made these handprint spiders - another easy one using black card and googly eyes! 

Kelly Edwards handprint spiders

Halloween Oobleck

Shelbie from @thesetwolittlehands made some Halloween Oobleck! You can find our basic oobleck recipe HERE and then get assorted Halloween googly eyes HERE. 



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Halloween Cookies 

Kelly also made these yummy looking cookies using this Jeeper's Creepers Cookie Mix Set. You can use any cookie recipe and just add food coloring and edible googly eyes (you can get those HERE). 

 halloween cookies for toddlers to make

Pumpkin Painting 

Katie set up this fun pumpkin painting activity! If you use acryclic paint it will stay on better, although you might prefer the washable paints for an easier clean up! 

painting with pumpkins

Apple Scented Playdough 

Alexandra from Kids Activites with Alexa  made apple scented playdough - what a great way to add a new sensory element to play. You can get her recipe HERE. I really love using these Halloween playdough cutters at this time of year too. 

apple scented playdough

Pom Pom Pumpkins 

Marika made these cute paper pumpkins. For this activity you would need colored paper, orange pompoms and green pipe cleaners. 

pom pom pumpkin craft

Painting with Halloween Colors 

Don't overthink your activities - just using Halloween colors like Alexandra from Kids Activities with Alexa did. 

Card Spider 

Taryn made these great spiders using black card and adhesive googly eyes. 

black card spider craft for toddlers

Halloween Sensory Bin 

Taryn also made this great Halloween themed sensory bin using items she got from the Dollar store. You can see more Halloween sensory bin ideas HERE. 

easy Halloween sensory bin ideas

Spooky Sensory Trail 

Active Littles put together this spooky sensory trail - find out how to make your own HERE. 

Paper Plate Ghost

Kelly made a paper plate ghost - she used a paper plate (I always keep these in my craft box), toilet paper and a shredded Walmart bag! Great upcycling! 

Kelly Rogers Doyle handprint ghost

I love how she used handprints!

Marika also made some paper plate ghosts. 

marika paper plate spooky faces

paper plate ghosts craft for toddlers


Apple Ghosts! 

Turn apples into ghosts by wrapping them with tissue paper and draing on faces! Thanks for sharing this great Halloween craft idea Brittany. 

apple ghosts

Sticky Paper Ghosts 

Kayla made these ghosts using sticky paper/contact paper and cotton wool balls. We love sticky paper crafts! 

sticky paper ghost

Upcycled Monsters - toilet roll craft 

Don't throw out your old toilet rolls -save them for this fun activity idea from Marika and add items from your craft box! 

upcycled monsters halloween craft

I hope you loved these simple Halloween activity ideas for toddlers as much as I did. Make sure you join our Facebook group and follow along on Instagram for more great toddler ideas. 

Some more Halloween Toddler Activities you might enjoy are: 

Halloween Sensory Bins

Halloween Sensory Play 

Halloween Sensory Play Ideas for Toddlers - Instagram

1000+ Toddler Activity Ideas 

1000 toddler activity ideas for parents to do at home

If you enjoyed this post why not PIN it on Pinterest 

Halloween activities for toddlers roundup pin



Some fun Halloween FREE Printables for Toddlers