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Shape Stamping with Toilet Tubes

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We have loved shape stamping with toilet rolls - a fun toddler painting activity idea. If your home is anything like mine, there are always plenty of empty toilet tubes close by. They are such a versatile play resource! Today we learnt about shapes and colours while Shape Stamping with Toilet Tubes.

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Shape Stamping with Toilet Tubes

Shapes and colours are great mathematical subjects to base your toddler’s play around. This activity can be used very loosely, leaving opportunity for open ended creative play or you can also make it a little more structured by adding an extra task. Today, I gave Miss 3 and Miss 6 the challenge of creating a pattern with their home-made toilet tube stamps!

We always like to match a book to our activities and we are big fans of the Goodnight Goodnight, Construction Site books - and this one is all about shapes! You can get this book HERE on Amazon

What you need to set up Shape Stamping with Toilet Tubes

shape stampint with toilet tubes what you need

We chose three colours to match three shapes today. If your toddler is just beginning to learn about shapes and colours, why not start with one and then add on next time?

A nice flat surface is perfect to put your paint on for this activity. The flat surface makes it easier for your toddler to apply the paint to their stamp.

How to set up your Shape Stamping with Toilet Tube activity

shape stamping with toilet tubes step 1

Once you have chosen your preferred shapes, gently press the bottom of each of your toilet tubes to form your desired shape.

toilet tube stamping making shapes

Start by forming the corners of the shape by pinching the tubes and then gently press the sides to complete your shape.

Apply a small blob of paint to your painting plate or tray. Using your shape stamp, gently spread the paint so that the blob is the same diameter as your toilet tube. This will make it easier for your toddler to stamp the tube into the paint.

shape stamping with toilet rolls easy toddler activity idea

Then simply dip your freshly made tube stamp into the paint and then press the painted end onto your paper to create your design!

Now let the fun begin. You can let them freelance or give them a little challenge such as creating a pattern or completing a sequence!

stamping with toilet tubes

This activity not only opens conversations about shapes and colours but offers other opportunities for development.

Grasping the tubes helps strengthen developing hands, stamping the tubes in the paint allows for hand eye coordination development and the pretty design left on the paper by the tube is a great lesson in cause and effect.

This activity is great for young toddler and primary aged children. Create your own wrapping paper or draw some fun faces on the shapes once dry. Shape Stamping with Toilet Tubes really is a versatile activity!

If you enjoyed this activity why not join our Facebook Group and share a pic of your creation! You can also follow along on Instagram - follow @myboredtoddler and use #myboredtoddler. 

Some more fun toddler activity ideas you might enjoy are: 

Sensory Bins for Toddlers 

sensory bin ideas facebook 

Crazy Toilet Roll Hair Cuts 


About the Author:

Dani is a busy stay at home Mum of 3 and early childhood teacher in training who is passionate about play based learning throughout early childhood. For educational play ideas that you can do at home and parenting tips visit Play Inspired Mum Check her out on Instagram  andFacebook

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