If you're looking for an easy Fall playdough activity then it doesn't get much easier than this! Get out your playdough and some Fall cookie cutters and you have a great easy activity for toddlers.
Easy Autumn / Fall Playdough Activity
Fall Activities are one of the most searched items on my site (you can find a HUGE collection of Fall Toddler activities HERE). I love the colors of these activities, and it's the perfect excuse to get out your play dough and set up a fun invitation to create.
Honestly, this activity needs little explanation, but I do get asked a lot about where I get the items from. I have put together a great collection of my favorite resources over on Amazon and you can find all of those HERE.
What you need for an easy Autumn / Fall Playdough Activity
- Fall colored playdough. You can easily make your own (here's my playdough recipe) but I also highly recommend this huge Playdough pack. I buy one ever 6 months or so and it's such great value for money.
- Fall scents - this is optional but it adds another sensory element to the play. Add a few drops of spices like pumpkin, pumpkin or cinnamon.
- Fall leaves cookie cutters
How to set up your Fall Playough Activity
Are you one of those people who has all of the playdough tools and containers thrown into a big container or drawer? I'm guilty of that, but I find that that becomes overwhelming to the children and it stops them playing with it. When I want them to engage with the playdough I take out a small selection of items and leave this out. This is often called an invitation to play or a learning prompt.
For this activity I put out the orange, yellow, red and brown playdoughs with the scents added and the Fall leaf cookie cutters and that was all. They played for a long time with this and came back quite a bit to play with it over the next few days (put the playdough away after each play otherwise it will get hard).
It's as simple as that! I told you that this Autumn/Fall activity was easy. I'd love to see how your playdough turned out. Pop over to our Facebook group and share a picture or use #MyBoredToddler on Instagram so we can all see! I always like to regram a few of my favorites! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest
Some more activities you might enjoy are:
Fall sensory bins for toddlers