Yesterday we had a big baking day and made these great Christmas tree and star cookies. They are really simple and the pictures I have posted were of the cookies decorated by my toddler, not me. The best part about these cookies is that you can be as creative as you like. Change the color of the icing, add chocolate icing, m&m's etc. It's up to you.
We used a very simple cookie recipe, but you can use any recipe you like, as decorations are the main part of the activity. This one is great as your toddler can help, but if you have a tried and true family recipe feel free to use that instead. I'm eating one as I type this so they definitely pass the taste test!
Simple Toddler Christmas Tree Cookies
What you need for Simple Toddler Christmas Tree Cookies
Basic Cookie Recipe ingredients
- 250 grams of margarine
- 200g of sweetened condensed milk (½ a small tim)
- ⅓ cup of sugar
- 2 ½ cups of self-raising flour (plus a bit extra for rolling out)
- Icing sugar
- water
- any toppings you like. sprinkle and m&m's always look great. We also found some sugar pearls and cooking glitter which looked great!
- Baking tray
- Grease proof paper
- wooden spoon
- mixer
1. Cream margarine and sugar (this bit should be done with a blender)
2. Add condensed milk & self raising flour
3. Stir well (a wooden spoon is fine for this part - let your toddler stir away!)
4. Roll out quite thin
Tip: The dough can be quite sticky so add extra flour when rolling out.
5. Cut into desired Christmas shapes
6. Place on grease proof paper in the oven for approximately 10 minutes (until golden).
7. Add icing and any toppings.
These look great in cellophane bags with some curling ribbon and make excellent gifts for family and friends
For more fun toddler ideas why not join our Facebook group or follow us on Instagram – use #myboredtoddler to share your pics so we can see!
More Christmas toddler activity ideas you might enjoy are:
Toddler Christmas Tree Sensory Bag