These Insects and Bugs Activities for Toddlers are perfect for a Spring themed activity. Toddlers are always fascinated with insects and bugs and these crafts and activities are a great way to extend on their learning.
Insects and Bugs Activities for Toddlers
Kids LOVE bugs and insects and it's great to see how much pretend play can happen with some simple toys bugs like the ones below.
Put them in the sandpit, add them to slime, count them, talk about them, draw them - so many possibilities! We always like to read a book before we get stuck into our activities and a great one is Backyard Bugs which you can get HERE on Amazon.
Toddler Activities with Bugs and Insects
Insects Sensory Bin - Taste Safe
Ladybug Busy Bag Activity - Best Toys 4 Toddlers
Insect Activity for Preschool: Sensory Bin - Simple Everyday Mom
Thumprint Bugs Craft for Toddlers - Toot's Mom is Tired
Itsy Bitsy Spider Craft for Toddlers - Fab Working Mom Life
Hunting for Fun with Big Huney Hunt! - Babies to Bookworms
How to Build a Bug Hotel - Megan Zeni
Build a Bug Busy Box - Teach Me Mommy
Ladybug Suncatcher Craft - Teaching 2&3 Year Olds
Make Your Own Peg Butterflies - Blissful Domestication
Sensory Play with Bug Water Bead Sensory Bin - 3 Dinosaurs
Little Bugs Coloring Pages - Easy Peasy and Fun
Easy Bug Slime Recipe - That Kids Craft Site
Bug Playdough Invitation - Fantastic Fun and Learning
Dirt Playdough Recipe - Natural Beach Living
Bug Scavenger Hunt with Free Printable - Messy Little Monster
Fine Motor Bug Activity - Views from a Steptool
Insects, Bugs and Creepy Crawlers Inspired Yoga for Kids - Pink Oatmeal
Make a Beehive Model from Patterning Blocks - Gift of Curiosity
Bugs in Slime Sensory Play - The Imagination Tree
I would love to see some of your bug and insect toddler activities in action. Share a photo in our Facebook Group or on Instagram - follow @myboredtoddler and use #myboredtoddler so we can all see!
Some more toddler activities that you might enjoy are:
Don't miss these FREE Spring Toddler Printables