This monster play dough invitation to play has been our most played with activity in our house today. Even the older sister has joined in with this one, making it a great multi-age activity.
Playdough Monster Invitation to Play
We love play dough in our house and often make our own, although I do admit to loving the play doh mega packs - such value for money and it's great to always have a big range of colors on hand.
What you need for a Monster Play Dough Invitation to Play
You'll notice that for our monsters we used printed and laminated eyes and mouths (there's a free download of these below). I decided to make these to coincide with the book, but if you prefer you can use googly eyes (these monster ones look good!) and other items from your craft box instead.
I do like to laminate what we print out as that means that I can use it over an over again. I know it's a teacher thing to always laminate things, but laminators are so cheap these days that it's worth the investment if you make lots of children's activities. You can get an A3 size one for less than $25. I always recommend this one.
- Playdough (any colors)
- Pipe cleaners / Chenille stems - if you don't already have some of these they are great to keep in the craft box.
- Pom Poms
- Printable Monster eyes and mouth - Get your copy HERE.
- scissors
- Colored craft sticks
How to set up your Monster Play Dough Invitation to Play
- Print out your monster eyes and mouth
2. Laminate and cut out the eyes and the mouth
3. Put out your playdough and all of the decorations. I like to let my kids use playdough on a placemat as it makes it a little bit easier to clean up. I cut up my pipe cleaners so that there was a variety of sizes.
4. Let them create!
Here are some of our Monsters!
If you make this Playdough Monster Invitation to Play we would love you to share a pic in our Facebook group or over on Instagram --tag @myboredtoddler so we can all see!
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