Buddy Wagon Review
Over the last few weeks we have been enjoying reviewing our new Buddy Wagon. If you've never heard of these, prepare to really really want one! I first saw one of these on New Year's Eve, when we were at a family event at our local park (along with thousands of other people). As you can imagine we had to park really far away, and then struggle with our two kids and all of our picnic items, food, drinks and toys for the kids. On our second trip back from the car I saw someone sail past us with one of these Buddy Wagon's. I remember thinking that they were a great idea, but didn't know what they were called or where to find them.
A few months later I saw the Buddy Wagon pop up on my Instagram feed and I did a little bit more research. It turns out that these are relatively new to Australia and you can find them online at www.budywagon.com.au. They are designed to be an easy to use, portable way of transporting your items around.
Recently the lovely people behind Buddy Wagon gave our family one to review. We've been using it for almost a month now and the verdict is in. We love it! I was honestly a little skeptical at first, especially when they claimed that it was quick and easy to fold up and assemble (I've been caught out with those claims before - my first pram comes to mind!), but I was pleasantly surprised.
This video gives a great overview of what the Buddy Wagon is and how easy it is to use.
The features that I really love about it are:
- It's compact. I'm one of those parents that hasn't upgraded to an SUV yet and the Buddy Wagon easily fits in the back of my Mazda 3, along with a pram, a few scooters and room for some groceries on top! It's been in my car since I received it, so it's definitely not a large bulky item.
- It steers easily. This is another big factor as normally I'm carrying a toddler, holding hands with a preschooler and pulling the wagon. If it steered like a shopping trolley it just wouldn't work, but I'm pleased to say that it's really easy to steer. In fact my 5 year old loves pulling it around the park.
- It's light weight. I can easily fold this up and put it in the car and it's much lighter than my pram.
- It can hold up to 70kg. As well as using this for my personal use, I have been using it for work. I run early education classes in our local park and we take a LOT of stuff with us. It's has been a life saver to be able to load it all up in the Buddy Wagon and only make one trip from the car each time.
I really do love the Buddy Wagon and if you are someone who often carts around a lot of stuff, then they are definitely worth the investment. They are available online or from select stockists.
If you would like to find out more about the Buddy Wagon you can visit them at www.budywagon.com.au or follow them on Instagram and Facebook.
Friday 22nd of March 2019
Yes! Finally something about new ign.